About me

(Who I am, what and why I do, where I am...)

Specific skills and interests

Programming-Language wise, I am trying to be multilayered.

A while ago I did some Java stuff, so Java standalone applications or Minecraft Server Plugins. Currently, I'm doing a lot of web-development again, from HTML-Sites, to PHP managing systems and server hosting itself. As you may see, I'm definitely not a designer or so, but I'll try my best.

I'm also quite active on EntwicklerHeld (~ “Developer Hero”…) to get into even more languages and to enhance my problem-solving skills.

Social-Media wise:

I publish my opinion, parts of my it-life etc. and generally technology regarding now on Mastodon.

Some of my Projects that are ready for the world are posted on my GitHub page.

Also, I'm on iFixit.

I used to be on the typical social platforms, but I avoid them now because of privacy concerns and problems with extreme addictive behaviours. You can now find my past (German) content in the archive.

All in all, just don't expect too much, as I'm currently barely active publicly, but I'm trying to get that sorted to maybe be more active in the future.